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Recommended intake

What is the recommended intake of TONiN® ?

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We recommend drinking a maximum of 2 doses of TONiN®  per day.

Can TONiN be drunk during pregnancy?

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Yes, the ingredients of TONiN®  are also suitable for pregnant women.

When is the best time to drink TONiN® ?

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It is best to drink TONiN®  one hour before or 2 hours after a meal, so that L-tryptophan, a vital amino acid, does not compete with other amino acids on its way to the brain. You can drink it both during the day to be vital and in the evening to get more relaxed sleep.

For whom is TONiN® suitable?

From what age can I drink TONiN® ?

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TONiN®  should only be drunk from the age of 16.

Is TONiN only suitable for athletes?

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No, TONiN is suitable for everyone who needs restful sleep to regenerate better. TONiN helps you to fully recharge your energy during the night and to start the next day with power.

Ingredients & Effect

Is TONiN vegan?

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Yes, TONiN only contains natural and vegan ingredients.

Do I fall asleep directly when I drink TONiN?

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No. The ingredients of TONiN support the natural metabolic processes in your body and do not work against them.

Why does it contain sugar?

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We need the natural sugar or carbohydrates to accompany the L-tryptophan through the blood-brain barrier. This is the only way to ensure that it can be transported directly to the brain.

Why Yuzu?

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Yuzu fruit is a Japanese citrus fruit with many beneficial properties. It has a fruity, refreshing taste and its scent can have a calming effect. With its high vitamin C content, which by the way is three times that of a lemon, it strengthens the immune system, among other things.

Can TONiN be addictive?

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No, TONiN is not physically addictive as the ingredients are natural and essential and are dosed to jump-start your body's physiological processes. However, we cannot guarantee anything in terms of taste.

What happens if I drink too much TONiN?

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First of all, you will not fall asleep for days! The high fruit content might result in diarrhoea. Therefore, please stick to our recommendation of two doses per day.

RE-Energize Vs. Energy

What is a [RE]Energize Drinkdrink?

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A [RE]Energize drink helps your body to regenerate in a natural way, so you can perform better.

Ordering and shipping

Which countries do you deliver to?

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Aside from Germany we currently deliver to Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.

Please note that there is a minimum order value of €58.90 for deliveries to these four countries.
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